Larceny Very Special Small Batch Bourbon Review

Distillery: Old Fitzgerald Distillery

Region: Bardstown, Kentucky

Aging: 6-12 years

ABV: 46%

Price: $25

Appearance: Golden Caramel

Nose: At first it’s sweet corn, caramel, and wheat and finishes with a bit of fruit… banana and orange.

Palate: Right away you get a bit of a bite from the 46% ABV but it subsides quickly and you’re left with a sweet caramel flavor with corn and wheat. It is easy to drink but doesn’t offer much complexity.

Finish: A very quick finish that leaves a hint of pepper and oak with a buttery finish to coat your mouth. It will definitely warm your chest as it goes down.

Is Larceny Very Special Small Batch Approachable?

Larceny Very Special Small Batch is quite approachable. This is a whiskey that anyone can drink without overpowering your taste buds. It’s a simple bourbon, but that simplicity gives it a nice charm when you just want a good sipping bourbon without dropping a lot of cash.

Is Larceny Very Special Small Batch Complex?

Larceny Very Special Small Batch is not all that complex. You get the basic bourbon flavors of corn, wheat, and caramel with a bit of oak, pepper, and some fruit. But overall, the flavors do not develop a ton which isn’t always a bad thing.

Larceny Very Special Small Batch Bourbon Review - Bottle Back Label

How Does Larceny Very Special Small Batch Smell?

Larceny Very Special Small Batch gives you a caramel, wheat scent and reminds me of fresh bread or pizza dough. It’s not very alcohol-forward despite the 46% ABV.

What are Larceny Very Special Small Batch’s strongest attributes/flavors?

Larceny Very Special Small Batch’s strongest attribute is that it’s an easy sipper that goes down smooth. For a $25 price point, it’s extremely accessible and it offers many of the basic bourbon qualities you would expect from a whiskey of this price range.

Is Larceny Very Special Small Batch a go-to whiskey?

Larceny Very Special Small Batch could easily be a go-to whiskey. It’s affordable, it’s easy to drink, it goes down smooth, and gives you a good “Kentucky Hug” on the way down…

It also offers a sweet flavor that most beginners will enjoy so it is an excellent choice if you’re having a get-together with friends and you want something everyone will enjoy.

Is Larceny Very Special Small Batch priced accurately to its quality?

I would say Larceny Very Special Small Batch is priced perfectly for its quality. It offers much more than many of the other bourbons in this price range. It’s also an excellent bourbon to use for cocktails as it gives nice sweet caramel flavors while also offering a good bit of additional flavors to your mixed drinks.

If you’re looking for a solid go-to bourbon in the cheaper price range, you can’t go wrong with Larceny.

I hope you enjoyed this tasting experience with me.

If you decide to give this bottle a shot, please let us know on social media via RedditFacebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Thanks for reading and cheers!


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