Larceny Barrel Proof Review - Secret Whiskey Society - Featured Square

Distillery: Old Fitzgerald Distillery

Region: Bardstown, Kentucky

Aging: No Age Statement

ABV: 61.9%

Proof: 123.8

Batch: 522

Mash Bill: Undisclosed

Non-Chill Filtered: Yes

Price: $50

Appearance: Dark Honey

Larceny Barrel Proof Tasting Notes

Nose: Caramel, oak, chocolate, vanilla, nutmeg, anise, dark fruits, cherry, plum, brown sugar, hazelnut

Palate: Bold Caramel and oak, raisin, dark fruits, cherry followed by heavy pepper, rye spice

Finish: Long heavy finish with an oily mouthfeel that coats your entire mouth – heavy caramel and oak that turns over into heavy pepper and spice with nutmeg

Is Larceny Barrel Proof an Approachable Whiskey?

Larceny Barrel Proof is not a bottle for the weak. It packs a bold 61.9% ABV and is not a whiskey for beginners.

Is Larceny Barrel Proof Complex?

Larceny Barrel Proof offers a whole range of flavors with each pour. It has your typical bold caramel, oak, and vanilla flavors but then it takes a turn toward the nutty, pepper, and spice.

Initially, my brain wasn’t quite following where the flavors were going, but with each sip I found myself enjoying it more and more.

What are Larceny Barrel Proof’s strongest attributes/flavors?

My favorite attribute of this Larceny Barrel Proof bottle is the incredible mouthfeel you get with each sip. Not only is it oily and buttery, but from the moment you take your first sip, you will feel it start to coat the inside of your mouth.

If you’ve read my reviews before, you’ll know that I am a sucker for non-chill filtered whiskey, and for the exact reason, this bottle delivers. I always think of the term “chewy” – a wine-tasting word that explains the sensation when you take a sip of wine and it almost feels like it coats your entire mouth and feels like it sucks the moisture out of your mouth.

I believe they used the word “chewy” because as you try to get the moisture back in your mouth, you make a chewing sound as if you’re chewing to replenish your saliva.

This bottle of Larceny Barrel Proof most certainly has that “chewy” sensation that I love.

Is Larceny Barrel Proof a go-to whisky?

Larceny Barrel Proof is a limited-release bottle so it is certainly one that I will save for special occasions. And to be honest, a high-proof bourbon like this isn’t meant to be a go-to whiskey.

Bottles like these are meant to be savored and appreciated.

Is Larceny Barrel Proof priced accurately to its quality?

A regular bottle of Larceny bourbon is $30 and this Larceny Barrel Proof Batch 522 is $50. The extra $20 is easily worth the price tag and if you can ever find a bottle of Larceny Barrel Proof, I would highly recommend buying it up.

Conclusion for Larceny Barrel Proof Batch 522

Even the basic level Larceny Bourbon is a steal at the $30 price point which I covered here in my Larceny Very Special Small Batch Bourbon Review.

So when I saw the chance to get a Barrel Proof edition, I jumped at the chance.

And to be honest, this bottle never would have shown up on the shelves in my area – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The only way I was able to get this bottle was through the Fine Wine and Good Spirits website which had a limited number of bottles.

Either way, if you can find yourself any edition of barrel-proof Larceny Bourbon, I highly recommend picking it up. It’s easily worth the price tag.

Let Us Know What You Think

I hope you enjoyed reading about this tasting experience with me.

If you decide to buy yourself a pour of this, please let me know what you think of it on social media via RedditFacebookInstagram, or Twitter.

Thanks for reading and cheers!


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