Lagavulin 8 Year Review - Secret Whiskey Society - Featured Square

Company: Diageo

Distillery: Lagavulin Distillery

Region: Lagavulin, Isle of Islay, Scotland

Aging: 9 Years

ABV: 48% ABV

Proof: 96 Proof

Mash Bill: 100% Single Malt

Non-Chill Filtered: No

MSRP Price: $75

Lagavulin 8 Year Tasting Notes

Appearance: Clear with a hint of color

Nose: Lovely smoke and peat, smooth buttery brown sugar and caramel, vanilla, light fruits, hints of citrus,

Palate: Nice smoke, peat, vanilla, oak, honey, brown sugar, pepper, spice

Finish: Medium finish with a little bit of heat – leaves you with a nice smoke, peat, brown sugar, and light fruit with a lingering pepper spice on the tail end

Is Lagavulin 8 Year an Approachable Whisky?

Lagavulin 8 Year has a little bit of heat on the finish, but it’s an excellent option for someone who enjoys a smokey and peaty Scotch for a lower price point.

Is Lagavulin 8 Year Complex?

Lagavulin has a few layers of flavor complexity.

The front and center flavors are smoke and peat.

Right off the bat, you’re hit with a nicely balanced smoke profile on both the nose and the palate.

As the flavors set in a bit, you’ll start to get a bit more of the brown sugar and caramel sweetness layered with vanilla and oak.

Then on the tail end, you start to get a bit of citrus and a lingering pepper spice that really finishes out the sip.

What are Lagavulin 8 Year’s strongest attributes/flavors?

Lagavulin is known for its smokey flavor profile and this bottle doesn’t disappoint.

It’s a bit cheaper than the standard Lagavulin 16 Year that I see more often so if you’re looking for a lower-tier smokey and peaty Scotch whisky, this is a great option.

Is Lagavulin 8 Year a go-to whisky?

Lagavulin 8 Year could be a go-to whisky if you’re looking to drink on a budget.

Otherwise, I would go with the Lagavulin 16 Year which costs $30 more, but offers a deeper level of flavors and complexity.

Is Lagavulin 8 Year priced accurately to its quality?

Lagavulin 8 Year lands right at the price point where it should be.

With Scotch prices rising astronomically recently, I would have wished I could still get this bottle for $50-60, but when it comes to smokey and peaty Scotch whisky, it’s hard to find a good bottle under $60 anymore so this is right around where that experience lands us.

Conclusion for Lagavulin 8 Year

Lagavulin 8 Year Scotch Whisky delivers on its price tag, but it’s a close call.

I usually prefer to pay a little extra to get a better experience which I feel would be the Lagavulin 16 Year.

It’s just more refined, aged longer for more flavor, and is worth the extra $30 to me.

That being said, the Lagavulin 8 Year is a very delicious whisky and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in this smokey Scotch whisky.

Let Us Know What You Think

I hope you enjoyed this tasting experience with me.

If you decide to give this bottle a shot, please let me know on social media via Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Thanks for reading and cheers!


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